CQC Registration and Supporting New Services

Have you started to set up a new service but have got stuck? The barriers to entry to the sector are necessarily high in order to protect clients. You’re probably aware that new providers must fulfil all the many requirements set out by CQC and others and a wealth of material must be prepared before the application can be submitted.

And that’s not all. While we can and do support new registrants, the pre-registration interview with the CQC inspector, once all the documentation has been submitted and approved, must be carried out by the Registered Manager alone.  We can help you to prepare effectively for this.

Our highly experienced and knowledgeable team can support you every step of the way. We can supply you with: 

  • a full suite of policies, procedures and related templates, fully tailored to your new service  
  • a robust quality assurance framework of systems, processes and audit cycles to give you oversight of your service and provide evidence of your work to CQC and others
  • support with understanding the range and extent of client needs in the area you intend to open in. 


If you’re worrying about your plans and need a helping hand through the maze, get in touch. Our effective team will support you to successfully register your service and achieve this as smoothly and efficiently as possible. 

Want to know how we can support you?

Contact us for a free 15 minute consultation to discuss how we can support you and your business