Claritas Care Coach helps health and social care providers improve the way they deliver and evidence care. With thirty years experience in the health and social care sector, we have the knowledge, experience and contacts to assist you and your staff.
About the company
Claritas supports your service to be the best it can be. We can guide you through the regulations, support you to evidence your quality assurance work and prepare for CQC inspections. We help you achieve good outcomes, enabling you to retain staff and clients and attract further custom.
We support Care homes, Nursing homes, Home care, Supported living, GP practices, NHS and private healthcare. Our health and social care articles are also published regularly by specialist electronic and print publishers.
With thirty years experience in health and social care regulation and support, a great team, and excellent testimonials, we’re confident we can offer a safe pair of hands.

Why choose Claritas Care Coach?
- We turn around services in crisis
- We give a clear, experienced and unbiased view of what’s needed
- We give direction to your improvement work
- We get you prepared for CQC inspections
- We have expert knowledge of regulations and CQC’s idiosyncracies
- Our reports are clear and action-focused
- Great customer relationships and quality solutions
- Our prices are very reasonable
- People say nice stuff about us
Have a look at what we can do for you. See how we can support you with mock CQC inspections and audits, interim management support and turnaround skills, and coaching and development. We can help with the written stuff too, from policies and template forms to investigation reports and published articles.
Click a service below to learn more.
Contact us for a free 15 minute consultation to discuss how we can support you and your business
One Minute Mythbusters
Subscribe to our full suite of members-only bite-sized policy mythbusters via YouTube. See our free examples below.
Feedback from some of the organisations we have supported
Nabil Muhammed Choudhury, Owner and Nominated Individual, Harley Street Healthcare
“My staff and I received excellent coaching from experienced team members including a very senior ex-CQC inspector, Amanda Halliwell, who was pivotal in guiding us
Claire Tyrrell, Group HR Director, Servoca plc
“We found Amanda to be very knowledgeable, approachable and thorough in her report and the practicality of her recommendations. Amanda was very professional, flexible and
Cheshire-based Healthcare/Homecare Company
Amanda’s specialist coaching on the CQC’s key lines of enquiry provided valuable insight to our leadership team. Through a combination of group and one-to-one coaching sessions
Amanda Hillerby, Head of Compliance and Quality, Cera Care – domiciliary care
Having worked with Amanda over a number of months I can confidently say she is a pleasure to consult with. She works to a very
Karen Turner, independent nurse and CQC specialist adviser
Amanda and I worked on a large mock CQC inspection within a community nursing service for enteral and parenteral nutrition patients run by a pharmaceutical
Dr Mitesh Parmar, Founder, Alpa Care – Domiciliary Care
I have worked with Amanda for well over a year. Her knowledge and attention to detail is incredibly profound. As a former CQC inspector, she
Francesca Ramadan, Editor, Nursing and Residential Care, Mark Allen publications
Amanda has been a columnist for my journal, NRC, since 2014. Throughout our time working together, she has been both timely and professional, and can be
Samuel Barrington, Founder, Care Improvement Associates
Amanda has been an associate consultant of Care Improvement Associates for a number of years, more recently becoming one of our lead experts. She has
Polly Moffat, Editor, Practice Management, Mark Allen Publications
Amanda Halliwell has written on a freelance basis for Practice Management for 4 years and more recently for the Journal of Health Visiting. I have